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Sunday, June 3, 2007 

A Daily Face Regimen for Men


Let's start off with a little analogy. Everyone has seen Lincoln's face on a shiny new penny. What happens to his face on that penny over time if it is not taken care of? That's right, that bright copper exterior slowly fades into a dull brown color. How could we keep that from happening? We could lock it in a vacuum, but then it would never be able to fulfill its destiny of traveling from store to store. Or instead, we could keep it clean by giving it a little polish each day. Now, which penny face do you think Lincoln would be more proud to have? You see where we are headed? Basically it all comes down to taking care of yourself and looking your best. Most of the time your face is exposed to the elements: sun, wind, rain (big ole fat rain and itty bitty stingy rain), pollution, etc. Over time these things can take their toll, but if you take measures to follow a healthy daily regimen you can keep your face looking like a shiny new penny!

Men generally have 15-20% oilier skin than women and significantly larger pores, which makes guy's faces a playground for dirt and irritants. The purpose of cleansing the skin is to remove all those toxins, pollutants, oils, and other impurities that collect on the surface. It also cleans away the thousands of dead cells you shed everyday. When those cells collect on the surface they leave the skin looking dull. Removing the dead skin exposes the new skin underneath and stimulates new growth. Cleaning the skin also removes nasty bacteria that like to get down in pores and cause red bumps... AKA zits.

Cleansers and scrubs

For your daily regimen you should keep both a daily cleanser and a facial scrub. The difference between a cleanser and a scrub is like the difference between the two sides of that dish sponge you have in the kitchen. One is nice and smooth and the other is rough and tough.

A mild face cleanser or wash is what you want to have for day-to-day use. It will gently remove all the grime without being overly abrasive. Use it once in the morning when you get up to help you get the day started right and once in the evening to remove the day's dirt before hitting the sack.

A face scrub contains small particles or beads that help exfoliate the skin and deep clean pores of dirt and bacteria. Many daily regimens call for daily exfoliation. However, when men shave this process acts to exfoliate the skin. Therefore, we only recommend using the face scrub a few times a week, in place of your daily face cleanser, to prevent over-irritation. Also, never use a scrub right before or after you shave because it could lead to sensitivity.

Avoid like the plague

Stay away from product that contains sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate. These inexpensive harsh detergents are found in many soaps because they increase the foaming quality of the product, allowing for better distribution while washing. When rinsed off, the product will have cleaned the area but will have taken moisture from the top layers of skin. This will leave the skin dry and can cause flare-ups of skin conditions or may worsen existing conditions.


Immediately following a cleansing you should apply a good toner. Toners remove excess oils along with tightening your pores, making it more difficult for dirt and pollutants to take their toll, which will reduce the likelihood of clogged pores and blackheads.

Follow the toner with some moisturizer. It replaces lost oils, nutrients, and provides a protective layer against dirt and pollution. Moisturizer is a very important part of your daily regimen that will work to keep your skin looking young and healthy. A little will go a long way, so apply a small amount to the palm of your hand (about the size of a nickel) and massage it gently into your face.

Do a body good

Lastly, don't make the rest of your body jealous of all the attention your face is getting. Keep some body lotion near the shower and apply some after you get out and dry off. This will keep the rest of your skin just as happy. Grab one with a nice manly scent that will keep you moisturized AND smelling good, unless you tend to have sensitivity to fragrance (in which case you should seek out an unscented lotion).

Tyler Sims is the CEO and founder of Foreman, a company specialized in providing quality men's grooming products, information and other essential men's goods for the mind and body.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tyler_Sims

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