Thursday, June 7, 2007 

Show a Little Tenderness

It's a tough world out there, with all the upheaval and stress wouldn't it be nice to crave for a change ...some tenderness? Sure sex is sometimes fun just being hard rough sex but sex with a little tenderness is something that just simply soothes the soul in a way that nothing else can. Tenderness can transform your regular sex fest into some serious love making and I can definitely attest to that! Tenderness doesn't have to be contrived, just let it flow naturally.

The most important factor in a tender interlude begins with eye contact. The eyes are the windows to the soul so why not open the blinds. Usually when two people have an intimate connection with each other, they can express certain emotions simply through body language and especially through an intense gaze. Keep eye contact all through your love making. Intimate tenderness can be as simple as a soft caress or a lingering kiss. Bathing your partner, brushing their hair or stroking their back are all tender moments to be savored.

Tenderness enjoyed during love play is something that can be mimicked even if it doesn't come naturally. Next time in the throes of passion, grab your partners hands as you gaze deeply into their eyes... now that's tenderness.

Take it slow, enjoy the moment. Be at peace in that particular minute with that one special someone. Practice the gift of tenderness by just kissing. Share soft gentle kisses... why rush. Try to pour all the emotion you can through the simple act of a shared caress. Tenderness can sometimes be as easy as transferring certain emotions through the act of touch. If you think it, try to feel it. Ease all the stresses in your life by sharing some tenderness.

Fresh, fun and flirty advice on dating and relating. Download your free "Rekindle the flame" workshop or sign up for free monthly newsletters! It's all here at!

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The Wrong Way To Go

Everyone knows that if you want to be a standup comedian, you have to study a lot of standup comedy, right? Wrong. How many acts did comedian and writer Ian Coburn watch before writing and performing his first real comedy gig at eighteen? We know, we know, sounds like the intro to one of those light bulb screwing jokes! But, no, Coburn saw just one comedy actat fifteen, on TV, while babysitting...

We dont know if his future as a successful writer and comic was fostered by the desperate desire to avoid babysitting for the rest of his life, or if it was just one of those occupational thunderbolts from the sky, but watching that comedy act certainly must have made an impression.

I do everything the wrong way, says Coburn in his hilariously deadpan manner. With tales of dating disasters plus his own version of life as comedy, Coburn entertained listeners during our weekly teleconference, At the Table.

We at Writers of the Round Table Inc. offer this free weekly forum where participants have the opportunity to hear insider information from successful writers, as well as a chance to ask questions about the industry, writing, tips to get ahead and creative inspiration.

Discussing his popular new book, God is a Woman: Dating Disasters, Ian Coburn shared his thoughts on dating, men and women, life, and how to write. Each chapter of the book looks through specific windows of Ians dating history and is followed by a Quickie, a debriefing, of sorts, that offers feedback and lessons learned. Believe it or not, he gives advice relevant to both men and women. Though his stories are hysterical, his work ethic is legendary. He once spent 106 straight weeks on the road touring, performing, and writing material. Ian is prolific, performing much of his comedy material right after writing it.

Anything can be material for comedy, Ian added, but the difficult thing about writing books or screenplays is that unlike standup comedy, you dont get instant feedback. When he started writing film scripts, the hardest aspect for him was trying to figure out objectively if they were good material. Eager for some sort of honest commentary on his work, Ian decided to enter scriptwriting contests. And it didnt take long for him to win one! From there, one of his scripts got picked up for film rights. He highly recommends that aspiring writers enter contests that provide written feedback on their work, saying its valuable because it gives you direction. One of his favorites is the Red Inkworks contest because they offer the in depth comments that are so important when youre figuring out your craft.

Tireless in scope, Ian suggests that writers try to be out there, all the timebecause you never know when you might get a break. During his time as a comedian, Ian trained himself to have a huge variety of material on hand at all times, writing specific bits for specific regions while traveling. This attention to detail gave Coburn a leg up in a competitive business because audiences loved his personal touch. At each opportunity, Ian would then take news of any new show or positive review and roll it like a snow ball, emailing the information to all of his contacts.

Professionalism rules in this case, and Ian also added that it is extremely important for all communication to be tight, neat and audience-specific. While he continually maintains and strengthens existing contacts, he also broadens his list, adding new contacts along the way.

You gotta have a hook, he instructed. For comedy, it was his regional adaptability. For his new book about dating, it was the Valentines Day release date. When writing contacts and maintaining ties, having these hooks helps create a buzz about any of Ians given projects. When people are interested, they are more open. He says even if an agent, manager or producer doesnt want a current piece, you can use this method to get them interested in whatevers next.

And how does Coburn get to the next piece so enviably fast? Great ideas come when you are distracted, says Ian. When writing books and scripts, the thinking process takes him the longest amount of time. After that, he settles on some key scenes, writes ten or twenty pages, and lets the writing take over. His main piece of writing advice? Let things write themselves. You have to be willing to let go of what you thought your book would be in order to let the piece come to life. Whenever everything seems impossible, just write. Its the writing, says Coburn, that takes you back.

Well, if thats the wrong way to write comedy, Ian, were giving up right forever!

Please visit and for more information on Ians work. And see to hear a podcast of this Teleclass, sign up for our newsletter, and see the scope of our work.

Jessica Buck lives in Portland, Oregon with her two children and husband, novelist Daniel Scott Buck. Writing an eclectic (some say dizzying), variety of literary genres, Jessica produces plays, essays, poetry, travel writing, screenplays, short stories and articles which have been published in magazines and anthologies including Mamaphonic, Inverse, Euphorix, Papier-Doll, The Design in Bloom anthology and a most recent publication in 3AM magazine. Upcoming publications include Paris Bitter Hearts Pit and Syntax Magazine.

Currently finishing her first novel, Jessica also runs a boutique marketing company called MindBuck Media. MindBuck Media uses buzz and guerrilla strategies to brighten the universe of the creative venture.

Jessica Buck can be contacted at

For more information on Writers of the Round Table series of Teleclasses, visit

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Jessica Buck - EzineArticles Expert Author
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You can also find more information at Marriott Timeshares and Sell My Timeshare. is a comprehensive resource to know where to spend your vacations.

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Piscatorial Past-Times

My interest in angling began when I was a youngster my father took me to a local soccer match between two local teams that left me scarred for life and desperately seeking a worthwhile pastime. I found it in angling and over the years I have developed a keen interest in anglings rich and varied history. Along the way in my quest for more knowledge of our noble sport I have come across many oddball rumours and tales past down in folklore.

Take the Bishops reel; centuries ago in merry old England monasteries were dotted around the countryside mostly opulent buildings set in their own grounds granted by royalty or some rich nobleman intent on saving his soul. These establishments were self-sufficient growing and farming their own food and were benevolent to the local community many had their own trout lake. Bishops and their entourage would visit the various monasteries in their domain at regular intervals to participate in and promote the rituals and practices of the church and there were many ceremonies to be indulged.

At noon each day the trout would be fed by the monks as they were for use on special occasions a local craftsman would have been employed to build a reel ornate enough to please and be in keeping with the bishops status. Most English anglers at this time favoured the free running Nottingham centre pin these individual reels introduced innovation and design, which has helped tackle to evolve into what we know today.

Just before noon a novice monk selected for his devotion would attach the bishops reel to the rod in this case a twin line close face drum so that the bishop could catch a fish for his guest as well. At noon as the feed was thrown in, the novice handed the rod to the bishop who ceremoniously lowered the bait to the water where the trout in their feeding frenzy impaled themselves. The bishop then handed the rod back to the novice who reeled in the fish detached them from the hooks presented them to the bishop who with dignity and grace despatched them with the priest

That evening dinner would be served and the bishop content in his mind at the honest labour he had performed to earn his meal would regale his guest with fishy tales of the fight he had endured with the beast to provide him with such a sumptuous repast. The novice monk he returned to his cell with a bowl of gruel and the job of untangling the lines and cleaning the tackle whilst dreaming of what he would do when he made bishop. Steve

An individual artist / craftsman creating unique pieces reflecting traditional angling artefacts for the discerning angler.

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